Teaching & Educational Activities
Academic Half-Day:
Thursdays, 08:00 – 12:00
Half day is protected academic time, regardless of which rotation residents are on. Our half day is considered by our residents to be one of the best at the University. We typically begin with an interesting case presentation, followed by didactic teaching by staff. The first few weeks of half day lectures in July are an introduction series to help new residents get familiar with basic topics in neurology and neuroanatomy.
Neurosciences Grand Rounds:
Wednesdays, 08:00 - 10:00 (except for the summer)
These are formal lectures attended widely by Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology and Pediatric Neurology. The first hour is usually a lecture by a staff physician, followed by a resident case presentation.
Journal Club:
Occurs four times a year
During Journal Club, papers are selected for residents to review and hone critical appraisal skills. These evenings are arranged on a quarterly basis, and informally facilitated by a staff with expertise in the topic under discussion, and dinner is provided.
Other Regular Academic & Educational Activities Include:
Cerebrovascular Rounds (Tuesdays at noon)
Stroke Rounds (Wednesdays at noon)
Epilepsy Journal Club (Fridays at noon, once a month)
Movement Disorders Video Rounds
Neuromuscular Rounds
Muscle Biopsy Rounds
Neuro-ophthalmology Rounds
Neuro Ethics Night (quarterly)
Annual Naveen Deshpande Lecture and half day teaching
Neuroradiology Rounds (SPH) (Tuesday at 8AM)
Additionally, residents have opportunities to teach medical students and junior residents informally on the wards with respect to clinical care. In our academic half day schedule, residents are also involved in formal teaching. Residents have also been asked to assist with Neuro-anatomy lab teaching and clinical skills teaching for medical students in the UBC undergraduate MD curriculum.